27 Dec But Wait, There’s Myrrh
This is a nicely flavoured spin on a tea-toddy with butter, and we hope you like it. While myrrh itself isn’t in the drink, it’s a nice idea to light up some nice smelling incense, and enjoy the full experience of a nice, warm drink with all the smells, sounds and sights of the holidays.
2.00 oz | 60 ml red vermouth (use Aecorn Aperitif for zero proof version)
0.50 oz | 15 ml raw honey
4.00 oz | 120 ml earl grey tea (herbal or black)
2 dashes Bittered Sling Orange & Juniper Bitters
1 tsp unsalted butter (ghee or coconut oil are fine, too)
Lemon peel and dried berries, for garnish.
Bring the vermouth, honey, brewed tea, bitters and butter to a simmer in a small saucepan, whisking the whole time – do not boil. Simmer for 3 min gently. Shut off the heat – serve in a thin specialty coffee glass (or mug of preference!). On the top, add a skewer with dried fruit and lemon peel cheek. This is a nice recipe to make in a larger batch, and have warming on the stove, serving as you like.