11 Dec We’re Ornament to Be
Aromatized wine is the main star in this drink, and it’s a perfect accompaniment to any tasty side dish – sweet ones! If you’re a fiend for mince pies, look no further – chocolate digestive cookies, thumbprints, gingerbread people or shortbreads, this is the one.
1.50 oz | 45 ml amontillado sherry (dry)
0.75 oz | 20 ml oloroso sherry (sweet)
0.50 oz | 15 ml orange curacao
0.25 oz | 10 ml sherry vinegar
0.25 oz | 10 ml simple syrup (honey or maple are fine, too)
2 dashes Bittered Sling Malagasy Chocolate Bitters
Dried orange wheel, for garnish.
Add the sherries, curacao, vinegar, sweetener and bitters to a mixing glass with ice. Stir until chilled and diluted – about 15 rotations. Strain into a rocks glass with ice, and finish with a dried orange wheel and stack of biscuits for garnish. This is a lovely recipe to batch ahead, and predilute/chill, and offer to guests as a tea-time refreshment, or at the end of a meal as a light digestif. You may choose to serve this neat in a sherry or dessert wine glass, with a little lemon oil from a fresh twist.