27 Oct Cocktail: Loup-Garou
The myth of the werewolf dates back centuries, with most stories being told under full moon light, on the moors of Scotland and the UK. This presentation has incredible continuity on the theme, set to a live trio of French hornists playing Sergei Prokofiev’s iconic Peter and the Wolf. Peat smoke fills the room, campfire cracklings, footsteps, heavy breathing, silver bullets and a graphic novel table piece are additional accompaniments. There’s nothing more terrifying than coming face to face with a werewolf.
1.50 oz Johnnie Walker Platinum Label Blended Scotch Whisky
0.50 oz Lagavulin
16 YO Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky
0.75 oz Punt e Mes
0.25 oz Boreal Cordial #2 with Black Cardamom & Grand Fir Tips (may substitute cordial with Pimento Dram, though not a perfect substitute)
2 dashes Bittered Sling Cascade Celery Bitters
2 dashes Bittered Sling Moondog Bitters
2 dashes Vancouver Island Smoked “Sea Salt” Water
Add ingredients to a mixing glass, add ice and stir until well chilled and properly diluted. Using a julep strainer, pour into a sake decanter, and sit in crushed ice. Pour tableside into hand-molded clay cups, sprayed with deep forest essence, including sweet basil, tulsi, orange blossom, balsam fir, lavender and Spearmint. Serve on a tray of wood scratched by werewolves.